Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 25TH of May 2017 at 11 AM at the Chester Town Hall located at 15 Middlefield Road in Chester, acting on behalf of the Town of Chester and in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 60 §77B, I SHALL OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION the hereinafter described properties acquired by said town by foreclosure of the tax titles thereon.
1. Property Address: 65 OLD STATE HIGHWAY
A parcel of land containing 17.77 acres more or less with any buildings thereon, situated at 65 Old State Highway and described in a deed recorded in Book 711, Page 198 at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds, and in Town Assessors’ records as 407.31.0.
The Tax Taking is recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 2218, Page 464 and conveyed to the Town by Treasurers’ Deed recorded in Book 2431, Page 405.
2. Property Address: 0 SKYLINE TRAIL
A parcel of land containing 2.17 acres more or less with any buildings thereon, situated at 0 Skyline Trail and described in a deed recorded in Book 16195, Page 163 at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds, and in Town Assessors’ records as 410-19.2.
The Tax Taking is recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 16957, Page 129 with the Final Judgment in Tax Lien Case No. 09 TL 139460 recorded in Book 18262, Page 423.
3. Property Address: 0 LYNES ROAD
Land in the Town of Chester with buildings or structures thereon located at 0 Lynes Road, identified in Assessors’ Map 406 Lot 35, containing 7.79 acres more or less; further described in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 5303 Page 116, and in Town Assessors’ records as 406-35.0.
The Tax Taking is recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 19410, Page 431. The Judgment in Tax Lien Case No. 13 TL 147347 is recorded in Book 20462, Page 585.
4. Property Address: 0 MIDDLELFIELD ROAD
Land in the Town of Chester with buildings or structures thereon located at 0 Middlefield Road, identified in Chester Assessors Map 407 Lot 14, containing 2 acres more or less; further described in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 16859, Page 474, and in Town Assessors’ records as 407.14.0.
The Tax Taking is recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 18677, Page 264. The Judgment in Tax Lien Case No. 13 TL 147045 is recorded in Book 20185, Page 12.
5. Property Address: 71 COOPER ROAD
Land in the Town of Chester with buildings and structures thereon located at 71 Cooper Road and identified in Chester Assessors Map 201 Lot 97, containing 14.5 acres more or less; further described in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book 8496 Page 267.
The Tax Taking is recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 18677, Page 262. The Judgment in Tax Lien Case No. 13 TL 147046 is recorded in Book 20816, Page 166.
The attached terms and conditions apply to the sale of all parcels herein advertised.
Mary Anne Pease, Custodian of Tax Possessions