Thank you to everyone who participated in MassDOT’s October 10 Public Meeting and Open House for the I-90 Interchange Study at the Blandford Town Hall. The meeting presentation and summary are now available on the project website under the documents and meeting materials link, which you can reach from the study’s home page below:
More than 200 participants heard a presentation on existing and future study area conditions, development of the alternatives, traffic data and levels of service, funding opportunities and challenges, connectivity and mobility, travel time savings, environmental justice, and zoning concerns. When discussing findings, MassDOT detailed that from an engineering perspective, all three proposed alternatives are feasible. The presentation went on to recommend that if an interchange project ever moved forward, Alternative 1 in Otis be dismissed from consideration.
The study team is currently working to finish the draft report and make it available online. When the draft report is available, the study team will send notification via email. At that time, the public will be invited to comment on the draft report during a 30-day comment period.
Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. For all questions and comments related to the I-90 Interchange Study, please contact Cassandra Gascon Bligh, MassDOT Project Manager, at [email protected] or (857) 368-8852.
Best regards,
The I-90 Interchange Study Team