Representatives Paul W. Mark, Natalie Blais, and Smitty Pignatelli along with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Complete Count Committee, the Berkshire Regional Complete Count Committee, and the US Census Bureau will hold a Census 2020 Kickoff to raise awareness for US Census Outreach efforts in the Pioneer Valley.
Where: Chester Town Hall – 15 Middlefield Rd # 16, Chester, MA 0101
When: December 13 – 12:30-1:30 pm
The US Census, which is conducted every ten years, provides a snapshot of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools and business and how federal funding is distributed. With the 2020 Census less than a year away, outreach efforts are being conducted by state and local governments, businesses, and community organizations to raise awareness and educate the Commonwealth on the importance of the Census.
Representative Mark currently chairs the House Committee on Redistricting.