3/31/20 – Coronavirus Update from Town Administrator and Selectmen

DATE: March 31, 2020 at 4:00pm
FROM: Town Administrator and Selectmen

Tomorrow is “National Census Day”
Recently, you should have received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau, inviting you to go online to respond to the 2020 Federal Census.

The U.S. Census counts every person in the country every 10 years. The information gathered through the census is used to decide how much our communities get in state and federal money for things like public health, transportation, and education.

The census is quick, easy, and important, and all of your answers are confidential. Please visit my2020census.gov and be counted today.

We hope this finds everyone well. As of 9:00am, there still is no positive Covid Virus reported in the Town of Chester, but we must continue to practice safety precautions. The Governor has extended the stay at home advisory to May 4 for both schools and nonessential employees. Town Hall will be closed to the public till that time.

We are a town that is resourceful, who comes together when times are hard and this may be the toughest thing we will all face in our lifetime; so remember who we are, and where you come from.