The Town of Chester, in association with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, will conduct a performance hearing regarding the town’s ongoing Community Development Block Grant – Cares Act Program. The hearing will take place at 5:00pm on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022 in person at the Chester Town Hall, 15 Middlefield Road, Town Administrator’s Office, Chester, MA 01011.
The performance hearing will review the public social service programs funded through the town’s Community Development Block Grant Cares Act Program. The grant’s programs include the Huntington Food Pantry, Southern Hilltowns Adult Education, and Hilltown Social Services Project. These programs are funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Housing and Community Development, Massachusetts CDBG program.
All persons with questions or comments regarding the performance hearing will have an opportunity to submit comments up until and through the public hearing. Please submit comments to John O’Leary at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission at [email protected] or 413-781-6045. Persons who require special accommodations to attend the hearing should contact the Town at 413-354-7760.