Snow Plowing Sub-Contractors Needed

The Town of Chester is seeking independent contractors to provide snow plowing services for the City as follows:


DESCRIPTION: Contractors will provide individuals, trucks and equipment necessary to perform snow plowing services. Equipment is to include trucks for snow plowing complete with plows and necessary drivers, and/or dump trucks complete with tailgates and such additional side boards to provide a minimum body height of 3’6″ and complete with necessary drivers, complete with blades and/or buckets for snow plowing.

Each Contractor must provide evidence of automobile liability insurance covering all automobiles and registered vehicles. Commercial liability insurance “mobile equipment” and for injury due to an accident caused by snow plowers’ work (bobcats, backhoes, front end loaders, etc.) and worker’s compensation (if applicable – if not applicable, contractor must sign affidavit provided by the town).

A contract with the town for these services does not guarantee that the services will be utilized. Contractors will be called depending on the needs of the town.

DEADLINE: Rolling applications until filled.

Contact Town Administrator Don Humason at [email protected] to receive application packet if interested.