Springfest Pancake Breakfast and Craft Fair – Sunday, April 16th

The Littleville Fair and the Chester Hill Association will be co-hosting a SpringFest event on April 16th at the Littleville Fairgrounds, 15 Kinnebrook Road in Chester. A farmer’s breakfast of pancakes (with maple syrup), eggs, and bacon/sausage will be served from 7AM to 1PM. The cost is adults $10, and children 10 and under $5. Seventeen crafters will be selling their handcrafted wares in the exhibit hall and outdoors from 8AM to 1PM, Try your luck at a teacup raffle with many local wares and gift certificates. The Pioneer Valley Fiddlers will be performing at 10:30AM. All events are cash or check only. Come and enjoy the day with your whole family!