Notice of Chester Planning Board Hearing

Relative to a Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 40A, § 5

The Planning Board of the Town of Chester will hold a public hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the town’s zoning by-laws. The public hearing will be held as follows:
Place: Chester Town Hall, COA Room in the basement 15 Middlefield Road, Chester, MA 01011
Date: 8 June 2023
Time: 6:00 PM

The subject matter of the proposed amendment is as indicated below. The complete text relative to the proposed amendment is available on the town’s website ( and for inspection during regular business hours at the following place:
Place: Chester Town Hall

Article Number – Subject Matter of Proposed Amendment Sufficient for Identification
TBDSection 3.5: Short Term Rentals and Glamping
The purpose of the proposed bylaw is to add a new Section 3.5: “Short Term Rentals and Glamping” to the town’s zoning by-laws. The bylaw details the requirements and restrictions
within the Town of Chester for short term rentals and glamping.