Update from the Water Department – August 30, 2024

The Chester Water Commissioners wanted to announce that Aqueous Infrastructure Management Co. (AIM) is working up at the Water Treatment Plant today and has finished cleaning clear well 1 which holds 220,000 gallons of drinking water. Clear well 2, which holds 110,000 gallons of drinking water, is being cleaned now.

AIM removed the sediment which had accumulated in clear well 1. There is not as much sediment in the 2nd clear well.

Once completed, the turbidity level of the water should improve dramatically. In order for the MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to approve the water sample tests, the turbidity level has to get below .3.

It is at .65 right now.

Once it is at the .3 level for 2 days in a row, the Water Department will get the required tests done for bacteria levels in water. DEP needs 2 acceptable tests taken over several days to rescind the boil water order.

We will notify you as soon as that happens via the sign boards in front of Town Hall and the Fire Stations, on the town website, town social media, and through local media.

Free drinking water will continue to be distributed in the normal amounts at the Fire Station HQ Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10AM–6PM and Saturday 9AM–1PM. Volunteers are still needed and welcome.

Thank you again.