Winter Parking Ban

Pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 22D, as amended, notice is hereby given of the following regulations regarding the Winter Parking Ban.

During the period beginning November 15 and ending April 15 of each year the Chief of Police, Selectboard, Town Administrator and/or Highway Superintendent may declare a Winter Parking Ban on all ways within the town for the purposes of snow and ice removal.

The Declaration of a Snow Emergency and subsequent Parking Ban will be effective at the onset of any inclement weather and will remain in effect for the 12 hours following the storm.

The Chester Police Department may have any motor vehicle parked in violation of the Winter Parking Ban removed/towed at the owner’s expense. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage fees that may be incurred.

Further penalties for violation of the Winter Parking Ban may apply. This may include, but not be limited to, non-criminal disposition as provided in M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 21D.

Public ways will have snow removal conducted on any thru street, or will be opened to the point of the last established residence determined by Certificate of Occupancy records.

Shoveling snow into or across the street is prohibited.

Any questions regarding these regulations, please contact the Chester Police Department or Town Administrator.